Steampunk Articles Wanted!
As this new website takes its first breaths of digital life, we hope that it will become an authoritative source of information about UK steampunk events and clubs. Beyond this though, it would be rather splendid if it could also become a source of steampunk-related advice and inspiration.
If you have advice to offer, or inspiration to proffer that other steampunks might find interesting or useful, send us your article/blog/story/whatever, and if it looks like it will help, interest or inspire others, we will turn it into a page on this website.
For example, perhaps you have organised a few steampunk meetings or events and have experiences and Dos and Don'ts to share. Or perhaps you are a wiz with a needle and thread and feel like explaining to a needle-working novice how to turn charity shop clothes into stunning costumes. Have you found a particularly good place to buy hats from? Is there a particular strategy to making the most of a weekend away at a festival? How does one find other steampunks in a particular area, or how does one go about setting up a new steampunk club?
If you feel that you can contribute to this new community digital hub, please write something suitably interesting and not too long - between 400 and 1,000 words is probably ideal (as a guide, this page contains 340 words) - and send it as plain text to articles@steampunkhub.uk. We will add your name as the author, and even publish a short bio if you wish, with or without a photo and link, with or without a few lines to explain your steampunk credentials. Or not. Whatever you wish. We can publish photos with the article, as long as you either took them yourself, or you have permission to publish them from the original photographer.
Not everyone can write right, and few practice grammaticalisation with gramercy, so if you are concerned that writing is not necessarily 'your thing', we can sub-edit your article if you wish.
Go on ...you know you want to!