About this Website
In August 2023, Lake District residents, Roy and Diane, visited Lincoln during The Asylum Steampunk Festival. They were blown away by the convivial atmosphere and splendid displays of creativity, and then promptly fell down the preverbal rabbit hole of steampunkery ...how clumsy of them! Keen to find out what other steampunk events were planned for the coming year, they enthusiastically took to the interweb, only to find a distinct lack of anything that resembled lots of information.
And so it came to pass that Roy-the-Boy, as he was known in his RAF days, concluded that unless one was already a member of a steampunk-related facebook group (which he was not), and unless one then made a note of facebook posts about events as they appeared (before promptly disappearing again), there was no reliable, authoritative source of information regarding UK steampunk events and UK steampunk clubs. How irksome, he exclaimed, using slightly stronger language than that!
He then decided to do what he normally does at times like this, but after he sobered up in the morning, he set about planning and building what has now become the SteampunkHub.uk website. He already ran his own website design and web application business, with a cluster of enterprise-level web servers and the skills necessary to develop the required custom interfaces and database systems. His time was the biggest problem, but being the hard-working good-egg that he liked to think he was, he spent a few weeks of long days and late nights tiring away at the keyboard in order to finally be able to access a definitive directory of UK steampunk events and clubs.
By publishing the site in a way that Google would index and like (another skillset of his trade), Roy ensured that other people can now also plan their steampunk diaries for the year ahead without having to find and then monitor half-a-dozen different facebook groups. Facebook is fine for seasoned steampunks who know where to look, but for those like Roy and Diane who are relatively new to the splendid world of steampunkery, the concept of easily finding event information direct from Google is probably rather refreshing.
Now it is down to us - the collective UK steampunk community - to try and encourage UK steampunk event organisers, and steampunk club representatives, to get into the habit of submitting their steampunk event and club details into the site's database such that it becomes the definitive, authoritative directory of events and clubs that its creator hopes. For if not, he will have wasted an awful lot of precious time and creative effort that could have otherwise been spent fashioning another costume for Weekend at the Asylum XIV.