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Terms of Website Use

Use of this website constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, which take effect on the date that you first use this site. If you do not agree to these terms, you should not use this website.

Static Content

For the purpose of these Terms, static content is website content that has not been submitted or uploaded by an event organiser, club representative or performer. The operators of this website (hereafter referred to as 'we' or 'us') have used all reasonable means to ensure that the static content provided through this website is accurate at the time of inclusion. However, there may be inadvertent and occasional errors for which we apologise. We make no representations or warranties about the information provided and reserve the right to make changes and corrections at any time, without notice. No liability whatsoever shall be accepted by us for any claim resulting from the use of any information obtained directly or indirectly from this website.

Submitted Content

For the purpose of these Terms, submitted content is written information and/or images submitted or uploaded by event organisers, club representatives and/or performers, intended for direct publication. Whilst we carry out cursory checks of submissions to ensure that they are not obvious attempts to publish illicit or undesired material, we make no representations or warranties about the information published and reserve the right to make changes at any time, without notice. We act only as a passive conduit for the online publication of submitted content and so we expect users who submit or upload such content to ensure that it is accurate and does not infringe the copyrights or other rights of third parties. No liability whatsoever shall be accepted by us for any claim resulting from the use of any information obtained directly or indirectly from this website.

Other Terms

While every effort has been taken to ensure against programme defects, we cannot guarantee that the site is virus-free. This website is used at the sole risk of the visitor.

No part of this website may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright holder. Content may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these materials be modified or reposted to other sites without the prior permission of us or the user who submitted or uploaded the content, as applicable. However, the visitor may download onto a personal computer owned or under the control of the visitor and make a single copy of all or part of this publication for the recipient’s private use or study only. To seek consent for other uses, please contact us by visiting our contact page.

We respect the privacy of our online visitors. We only gather personally identifiable data, such as names, addresses, email addresses etc. when these are voluntarily submitted by a visitor. If the visitor tells us that the information should not be used as a basis for further contact, the request will be respected. For more information please visit our privacy page.

We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising from these Terms and Conditions or the use of this site generally shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales, although we may use any convenient forum to enforce our rights.

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