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UK Steampunk clubs with regular meet-ups

Steampunk clubs range in size and activity level – from a handful of people trying to organise regular get-togethers in their local area, to formally-structured clubs with large memberships that regularly participate in a wide range of meetings and activities.

The UK map above shows every such steampunk club that has been entered into our database by their representative, roughly categorised by the size of each club's membership and level of activity. The colours of the markers range from cool to hot, according to how regularly the club holds its meetings or get-togethers (e.g. ranging from annually to weekly), whilst the size of the markers relates approximately to the number of the club's active members.

This system of colour and size is unlikely to perfectly suit every individual’s priorities, but it should at least give an at-a-glance idea of every club that is reasonably local to you, along with every club that you might want to travel some distance to attend because it holds more regular activities.

Please note that this website is not intended to be an extension of Facebook or any other social media channel, all of which have their own nuances, and most of which are geared up to remote participation by a widely distributed audience.

Facebook groups, for example, already have vast numbers of members who participate to varying degrees in chats and discussions, which is absolutely fine for connecting people and for remote social interaction on a national and/or global scale.

This website, however, primarily concerns itself with clubs of active steampunks that physically meet up or get together with some degree of regularity. Thus if a club states that it has twenty active members who meet every month, it is expected that those twenty people meet in person, and that they all, at some point in time, wear some form of of costume or attire to celebrate their involvement with the steampunk social scene.