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Submit Club Details

Please only submit details of clubs with members who meet in
person. This directory is not intended to list purely Facebook groups.

Club Details
Google Maps Location (see notes below)
Representative's Details (will not be published)

Location Coordinates for the 'Clubs by Map' page

Your club will not display on the clubs map if you do not submit location coordinates correctly. To find the latitude and longitude of any location, visit Google Maps and click-and-hold or tap-and-hold at the required location (see yellow arrow below as an example). Clicking/tapping on a named business (like the Black Bull Haworth in the image below) will bring up the business details, not the coordinates window, so you may need to zoom right in and click/tap slightly to one side. A small window should appear at the foot of the map, containing the latitude and longitude (see red arrow below), which can then be copied and pasted. In this example, the latitude is 53.831190 and the longitude is -1.956744. Scroll down to the larger map image below to make sure that your longitude is correctly negative, or not.


Map showing prime meridian

Important Notes
- please read

All submissions are manually checked to prevent the publication by bots and spammers of unsuitable content. Similarly, updates are also processed manually.

This website is voluntarily maintained by busy people, so please do not publish club details that are likely to change frequently - submit a broad overview of the club, along with the full URL of a web-page or social media page that can be viewed for more details.

If you do submit an update or correction, please make it crystal clear exactly which detail needs to be replaced by exactly what new content.

The reason we ask for the club representative's details is: (1) so that we will get used to seeing the names and contact details of regular/genuine representatives and can then worry less about fake or spam submissions; and (2) so that we can discuss any aspect of the submission that we feel might need clarification or editing e.g. incorrect location coordinates that might otherwise prevent the club being shown on the club map. If you do not submit contact details and we are in any way unsure about the listing, it will not be published.

Please keep the club description short and sweet, and try to minimise line breaks as the more space that the description takes up, the further down the page the image goes! The aim is not to describe the club in every detail, but to encourage readers to visit your website or facebook page for full information.

Note that whilst artwork for an A3 poster might look ideal for upload, it will probably not be quite so readable when viewed on a mobile phone - which the majority of visitors will be using!

The responsibility for keeping your club details up-to-date lies with you, the club's representative. If the club is disbanded, please submit a 'club update' so that your listing does not continue to attract interested parties.


By uploading an image for publication, you accept sole responsibility for any copyright issues that result. In short, you must not upload any artwork or photographs for publication unless you have been granted permission to do so by the photographer, artwork originator or other copyright owner if applicable.